Loving God
Loving God

We believe in a LOVING GOD and that God's love has been explicitly shown to us through Jesus Christ.
We believe as the people of God we show our LOVING GOD in and through all we say, think and do.

About People
About people

We believe God's caring compassionate concern ABOUT PEOPLE has been revealed throughout history.
We believe the church is ABOUT PEOPLE just like you who are on journey of discovery with God.

For you
For you

We believe that God is FOR YOU whatever your life situation or circumstance.
We pray that whether you are struggling, walking, or dancing through life that you will find St John's is a place FOR YOU.

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Worship at St John's

We are delighted to say that St John’s is open for communal worship and all are welcome to join us as we gather together. Full details are below, read on to find out more…

We’d love to have you join us whether you are a regular member or not been for some time, whether you can come join us often or only occasionally. As a community  we gather throughout the week. ‘The Sunday Gathering‘ which includes worship in classic and contemporary styles, Morning Prayer (Tues – Fri), and a mid-week service.

We understand that not everyone is able to access our services (as we gather on-site or on-line) and that you may feel isolated and alone as we move out of lockdown. Our desire is to reach out to all in our community with the love of God allowing all who wish to gather for worship to do so in a good and safe way. If you find yourselves in a place where you are struggling to access all that is on offer please do contact us to talk this through. We can’t promise to be able to solve every problem but we will do our best to overcome any difficulties you may be facing which are hindering you from worship.

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The Sunday Gathering

We warmly invite you to join us as we gather together on Sunday to meet with each other in the presence of our loving God.

The way we now come together as church on Sundays is a bit different. We begin to gather from 9.00am to set up and have a time of catch up and fellowship during which refreshments are served. We will then break at 10.00am for worship where there will be a choice of styles, Classic and Contemporary. SJB Kids – Junior Church (our Sunday children’s group) will run from 10.20am – 11.00am. At the end of our times of worship there will be opportunity to come together for extended fellowship. Our hope and prayer is that we may come together to be and do church with one another. The lessons learnt through the lockdowns spoke loudly of a desire of ‘being one’ as well as a desire to have a mixed ecology of worship styles. Our hope is that all being together on-site at the same time allows this to happen, and that the friendships we saw develop across all generations will continue and flourish.

For those who find a linear timeline helpful the Sunday Gathering will flow as follows:

  • 9.00am

    Church begins to meet to set up and prepare for worship. Refreshments are serviced and we can catch up with each other.

  • 10.00am

    We break for Worship - Classic style in St John's Church and Contemporary style in St John's Hall

  • 10.20am

    SJB Kids - Junior Church gather (upstairs in the Link)

  • 11.15am

    Fellowship after worship

There will be times when we will all come together for worship. Our Worship Together services will be held at significant times throughout the year. These will include Remembrance DayAdventChristmas DayEaster DayPentecostPatronal & Harvest.

We pray that as we gather together as the church to enjoy a time of fellowship and worship we may all become aware of God’s loving presence with us.

Classic style - 10.00am St John's Church

Our classic style worship follows Common Worship order one for Holy Communion and is usually live-streamed on our YouTube channel. This service provides a time when we can be still before God, drawing strength from God's presence with us as we share in the breaking of bread and pouring of wine. We meet in St John's Church and our sung worship is usually led by the choir accompanied by the organ.

Sunday Worship - Contemporary Style

Our contemporary style worship focuses upon enjoying God’s presence among us as we come together. We enjoy a range of worship styles as we express our love for God and the worship is more relaxed and informal. Our sung worship is generally led by a small group of singers and musicians. We gather in St John's Hall.

Live Stream on YouTube

The link to our next live streamed service is below. This will automatically update to the next live stream event as soon as the current one has ended so there is no need to hunt for the next one. If you want to catch up on a live stream you have missed please see the Previous Services section below for details as to how you can easily do this.

Previous Services

Online Church

Online Church is just that – church done in an online environment!

As you can imagine we have had fun experimenting with the likes of Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube and several other social media channels. We are sorry to say but the out-takes have been canned! Over these last months we have learnt to do and be church in a different way and we think it’s good fun! The way that it generally works is that a weekly YouTube playlist is offered which generally contains, songs and hymns, a reading or two from the bible, a thought based on those readings and some prayers. Each part is offered as short individual videos so, for example, you can play the songs that resonate better for you and skip others. Our hope is that you are able to dip into the playlist through out the week, whenever you are able to and have a quiet 5 or so minutes to do so.

We love hearing what has worked for you and what hasn’t, what your thoughts are on what’s been said (whether you agree with it all or not!). We enjoy the discussions that this all brings.

To aid this and to help keep us connected we generally gather for ‘Coffee on Zoom’ at 11.00am on Sundays. If you ever fancy joining us, drop us a line and we will send you the details through. You are warmly invited to join us for this week’s Online Church. 

All our previous playlists are available on our YouTube Channel.

However you use these videos we pray that you will be aware of God’s loving presence with you.

What's on

February 2025

Events for 27th January
Events for 28th January
Events for 29th January
9:30 am - 11:30 am


St John's Hall & Link
Events for 30th January
Events for 1st February
No Events
Events for 2nd February
Events for 3rd February
Events for 4th February
Events for 5th February
9:30 am - 11:30 am


St John's Hall & Link
Events for 6th February
Events for 7th February
No Events
Events for 8th February
No Events
Events for 9th February
Events for 10th February
Events for 11th February
Events for 12th February
9:30 am - 11:30 am


St John's Hall & Link
Events for 13th February
Events for 14th February
No Events
Events for 15th February
No Events
Events for 16th February
Events for 17th February
Events for 18th February
Events for 19th February
9:30 am - 11:30 am


St John's Hall & Link
Events for 20th February
Events for 21st February
No Events
Events for 22nd February
No Events
Events for 23rd February
Events for 24th February
Events for 25th February
Events for 26th February
9:30 am - 11:30 am


St John's Hall & Link
Events for 27th February
Events for 28th February
No Events
Events for 2nd March

Life Events

We are delighted to say that under the current regulations we are able to hold weddings and funerals back in the church building. Each are governed by different regulations which means that things are still done in a different way to before.

In the first instance we invite you to read each section below which will give you more understanding of the life event services we hold. Once you have read these was ask that you contact us to discuss how we can best help in the light of the current regulations and restrictions we all face.

Thank you for your understanding in these matters.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Jesus Christ

Baptisms & Thanksgiving for a Child

The coming of a child is a very special event in the life of a family and we as a Church rejoice with you in the birth of your baby or arrival of an adopted child. We want to assure you of our concern for your child’s welfare, and in particular their Christian development.

An important part of all we do is to help people find and celebrate God in important life events (such as this!).  We would love to help you mark this special time in your lives in a way that is meaningful to you. We invite all who are thinking about christening and Baptism to come and join us at one of our Sunday morning services so we may welcome you personally and begin to help you plan for this special celebration.

We invite all parents and prospective godparents of those who we will be conducting the service for to join us a time of preparation, where we spend time thinking through the promises made within the christening service. Follow the link to find out all the Church of England offers for Christenings or to make an enquiry contact us for further details or use our online Baptism Enquiry Form to submit your details directly to us.

Please note that if you live outside of the parish and do not regularly worship with us then as part of our Baptism Policy we ask that you make contact with your parish church in the first instance. If you are unsure of which is, or where your parish church is, you can easily find out by entering your postcode at A Church Near You.

Weddings & Prayers and Dedication


If you are reading this page you most probably have recently got engaged and are looking for all we offer in terms of getting married at St John’s – you are in the right place! You may be enquiring to see if getting married at St John’s is possible and right for you or you may have already decided upon a civil marriage service and are thinking about having a Service of Prayer and Dedication. Do look at the information below for more details about having a Service of Prayer and Dedication or Getting Married at St John’s which we hope is helpful in making this occasion special for you.

We know that there are a lot of questions that are asked about marriage in the Church of England from “Can I get married in Church?” through to “How do I find out more?” – a good place to start is by looking at the Church of England site Your Church Wedding which answers these and many more questions you may have, as well as providing a lot of useful information.

Getting Married at St John's

We are delighted that you are considering being married at St John’s Church and look forward to celebrating your special day with you and your guests. We know there is a lot that needs to be planned and organised to make your Wedding Day the occasion that will hold many wonderful memories for years to come. We may not be able to help organise the reception, but we are committed to making your experience in church the best it can be. We hope the information below is helpful to you as you consider having your marriage service with us. There may well be areas that we have not covered that are important to you and if this is the case please do contact us as soon as possible so we can address any questions or concerns you may have.

We believe marriage to be a unique, binding commitment to one another and that a good marriage is a journey of discovery, of finding fulfilment and continually taking pleasure in your partner. We recognise that this is something that every couple constantly needs to work at and give time to. Please be assured of our prayers as you begin this wonderful journey of new discoveries which is marriage.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord

Romans 8 v 38-39 (The Bible)



We are sorry that you have just experienced the loss of someone close to you. We offer you our condolences.

Whether expected or not, death may come as a shock and this can be a difficult time. It is not unusual for emotions to surface and there may be lots of questions to grapple with. The first few days after a death are often filled with many practical things that have to be done, working alongside the Funeral Directors, we are here to help you as much as we can.

Arranging the Funeral

A member of our Ministry Team will spend time with you, talking about how you would like to remember the person who has died and will help make the funeral service a personal tribute to them. They will help you to choose appropriate readings from the Bible, suitable hymns, prayers and music.

The funeral service is an important time as it enables you to remember, to give thanks and to commit the person who has died to God. It can be a time of order and beauty in what may seem a disordered life at the moment. You may find the Church of England Funeral website helpful in thinking through all that you wish to include in the funeral service.

Whoever comes to see you will cover all the main details but there may be things which you think of after they have gone. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything which you are concerned about between their visit and the funeral.

After the Funeral

The hardest time of all can be after the funeral when the reality of having to reshape life begins to dawn. This can be when feelings surface more strongly. Grieving is hard work and you may feel very tired. The support of good friends and family may well be helpful for some time.

It is customary for a member of our Bereavement Care Team to be in touch with you a few weeks after the funeral to say how you are to offer to visit, if you would find it helpful. SOLO is our group for all who have lost a loved one and we meet for tea, cake and sharing throughout the year.

Sometimes people find it comforting to come to church after a funeral and you would be most welcome at any of our services. The church is generally open during the day for private prayer and reflection.

In October you will receive an invitation to our Memorial Service which provides space to remember and give thanks for those who have died.

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